Cupping therapy does it really work?
Cupping therapy has a long reputation dating back to 281–341 AD, China. Modern day people call it alternative medicine, but back then and in some countries today, it is part of their health care planning. So the question on many people’s minds is does it hurt and does it really work? Let’s look into the first part of the question:
Does Cupping Therapy hurt? The answer is yes and no. There will be a slight suction pain like a vacuum cleaner end attaching to your skin for half a second, but really the pain is mild with some tightness. For people who have cupping for the first time, it is a gentle process so they get used to the feeling. For those that have had more than one session or so, it begins gently then increased suction is applied. The pressure is only applied to areas that are tight and have reduced blood flow, which is determined by colour and consult with the client.
Does Cupping Therapy really work? Yes, it sure does! This is a process, which means it helps in the body’s healing over a period of time. If you are after a quick fix, then cupping is not for you. If you are after increasing your body’s ability to recover faster and taking care of yourself then cupping is for you. Cupping is complementary to how you look after yourself. This includes slowing down, reading your body, eating well, stretching, and having plenty of water and rest which will allow your body to heal much faster. A little intro to understand that cupping doesn’t just work alone, that you need to support your body too.
Here it is “The Cupping Process” Here at Stella’s Light our client’s popular complaints are sore necks, shoulders, upper and lower backs, and tight hamstrings. We use suction cups as we can easily adjust the pressure around specific points. Cups are placed along the meridian points to open the flow of ‘chi’ energy, so this basically means, we increase the body’s blood flow around areas that are in pain, feel tight, or frozen. Once cups are applied we also slide cups activating heat, circulating the lymphatic system to encourage it to drain. Once the session has concluded clients often feel light and lose. It is highly recommended that lots of water is consumed and a nice warm shower is taken before bed. The marks only last a week and generally begin to disappear within three to four days.
If you are interested in booking a session read more here. If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to call or email us.