Massage Therapy

What Is Cupping Therapy?
Cupping has been developed over time from its original use by various First Nations people from all over the world. They used objects such as hollowed out animal horns as cups to drain the toxins out of snakebites and skin lesions. Over time the use of animal horns had evolved into bamboo cups, which were eventually replaced by what we use today, glass and plastic moulded cups.
The Chinese refined the cups to accommodate the many therapeutic applications for use during surgery to help divert blood flow from the site of wounds. Other ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, Romans and early Greeks embraced the therapeutic value of cupping. The technique eventually spread throughout Europe and later to the Americas. In today's world cupping therapy has developed into a separate therapy under the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) umbrella, with healers trained specifically in this technique.
How Does It Work?
I use one type of cup which is the Korean vacuum cups as the pressure of the cups can be controlled for better blood flow.
These cups come in all sizes, which are pressurised via the vacuum hand pump. The friction that is generated between the cup and the skin creates a small but significant amount of heat and suction. Once the cups are applied they are left on the area for up to 2 - 4 minutes, depending on each client.
This then allows the toxins to be drawn from the muscle and tissue, reddening the skin which is a clear sign that blood flow has increased. The cupping marks that are sometimes produced during the therapy are temporary and can last up to a week. They look like round circular bruises and it is part of the cupping process. However everybody's skin is unique and some people many not be left with circular marks. **Please note during cupping I do not leave the room and I watch every cup carefully**.
What To Expect?
Cupping therapy through suction and negative pressure may assist with releasing very rigid/tight soft tissue, draining excess fluids and toxins, it loosens adhesions, lifts connective tissue, breaks up and disperses cellulite. It may assist blood flow in areas in the body that are stagnant within the skin and tissues in the muscles.
Who Can Experience Cupping Therapy?
However with young adults under 18yrs old an adult needs to be present at all times. Is cupping painful? In most cases cupping feels extremely pleasant. Cupping is generally not painful, however some people who suffer from fibromyalgia or other chronic muscular disorders may feel minimal discomfort and should mention this to me as this may not be the suitable modality. Muscle tension and tenderness often continues to improve for many hours after the session is completed.
Please DO NOT undergo this therapy if you have or had:
recent surgery, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and other vascular irregularities;
open wounds, abrasions, ulcers, sunburns, burns or recent skin trauma;
are pregnant;
Haemophilic or predisposed to blood haemorrhages;
severe cognitive impairment (i.e.: dementia);
skin sensation (i.e.: diabetic patients);
heart conditions;
long fasting periods;
24hrs after a sports injury and;
24hrs after a drinking binge (NO drinking).

What Can I Expect To Feel?
The stick on moxa has been reported to increase the sudden flooding of warmth that quickly radiates along a specific meridian pathway away from the site of application. This is a good result, as it indicates the arrival of energy and signals that the flow of energy has been freed.
When Is Moxibustion Used?
Moxibustion is used for:
Pain due to injury or arthritis, especially in "cold" patterns where the pain naturally feels better with the application of heat
Digestive problems and irregular elimination
Gynecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late term pregnancy
Protection against cold and flu strains
Use the link below to head to our scheduling system to find a time that suits you! Our treatments take place at Thornbury Apothecary.
Cupping Massage Therapy FAQs
Is cupping scientifically proven? No, cupping is not scientifically proven as there is no single theory that exists to explain the whole effects of cupping. Further studies are taking place to research cupping effects on the body.
Where do you put cupping cups? Cups can be placed on many parts of the body using the meridian lines that acupuncturists use.
Does cupping actually remove toxins? There is no proof that cupping can remove toxins per se, hence the term ‘may assist. As with any body treatment, there is research being conducted to determine some outcome.
What does severe stagnation mean in cupping? It may assist blood flow in areas in the body that are stagnant (no movement - due to an injury) within the skin and connective tissues of the muscles.
What does the colour of the cupping bruises mean? Discolouration is due to broken blood vessels just beneath the skin, much like a bruise and heals within a couple of days.
What happens if you leave cupping on too long? It is not recommended for cups to be left on for more than 5-7mins at a time. The therapist should be monitoring the cups to ensure skin is not blistering or turning a terrible purple colour. However, depending on your skin this may happen without warning. Your therapist should explain this.
How many times a week should I do cupping? Depending on the injury you are working through, once a week or once a month should be enough until the injury is repairing.