
The 5 Principles of Reiki
Reiki is a healing technique that was created by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1920. The word Reiki is derived from the Japanese kanji alphabet where ‘rei’ means ‘universal life force’ and ‘ki’ translates to ‘energy’. So Reiki is actually ‘universal life force energy’. The energy exists within all of us and all that surrounds us. An excerpt from the translation on a monument to Mikao Tsui at the Seihoji Temple in Tokyo states:
Do not become ANGRY
WORRY about nothing
Express one's GRATITUDE
Be DILIGENT in work
Be KIND to others
These became the five Reiki principles used during each Reiki session.
How Does Reiki Work?
Using my hands, they are placed over your chakra centres where universal energy is moved into your body. The channeled energy may assist to move negative energy out of your body, grounding you and making you feel clearer and centred. The negative energy people often suffer from is stress, anxiety, and muscle tension and reiki can benefit these concerns.
What To Expect?
As the client, you will always remain fully clothed for the duration of the session. You will lay on a comfortable massage table with a blanket placed over your body to keep you warm. In the background meditative music will gently play as you begin to ease your mind when I start a 'meditative journey', with you to guide you into your 'scared space' where I leave you. I then begin Reiki by placing my hands gently on your chakra energy centres. During Reiki, crystals are applied over your energy centres to clear and balance your aura. The tesla purple plates are already under the blankets which help generate a positive energy field around your body. Most people, during Reiki report feeling a radiating warmth from my hands but it can also be cool as well, and sometimes your head feels lighter as the energy works its magic. Everyone has a different experience when they are open minded.

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Reiki Healing FAQs
What happens after your first Reiki session? It really depends on individual people and their situations, which brings me to say some people receive clarity, understanding and generally feel energised.
What is Reiki used to treat? Reiki has a wide range of amazing benefits. It may assist people who suffer anxiety, stress, depression, feelings of overwhelming emotions, break-ups, decision-making and general energy boosting.
How long do effects of Reiki last? This depends how open you are and your belief system. The more willing to let go/remove the easy the process and vice versa. Clients has stated between 3 days to a month. However, that does not mean to rebook. It means start using the tools and persist.
What are the after effects of Reiki? Reiki is so gentle clients compare it to lying on a beach soaking in the sun.
Can Reiki unblock your chakras? Yes, with the help of crystals specific to those chakra centres or using sound energy.
How long does it take to learn reiki? Reiki is taught over years not weeks. It is a process that should not be rushed or used as a tool to make money quickly. Reiki’s main purpose is too heal or help those to heal. There are 3 stages: Level 1 and Level 2 are short weekend long day courses with 6mths to 1yr between each level. Lastly, Masters course, Level 3 is conducted over 1yr shadowing a Master Reiki Healer.